#3 – New subcommittees, presentation

Hey there and sorry about the lateness.

Today’s show is hosted by two people (Alex and Jimmy).We might do more of these two-host shows in the future which would definitely be longer. You may have noticed we said we were going to talk about a lot of things at the start but we completely forgot about these.

On today’s extra-short show, we talk about:

-The 3 new subcommittees formed

– Our presentation to Mr Schiller and school admins.


ps. Alex forced me to say “Economic rationality”.

pps. You may notice there are occasional sharp variations in volume. This is because Alex is really pedantic and edited out all the “um”s. If only we had a blooper reel…

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Saba said,

    You didn’t get all the ‘ums’ by the way. =] But yeah. I feel like being disagreeable. ;-]

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